Yep, I'm Asking That Dreaded Question

"What do you want to do?" is one of my favorite questions to ask new people I meet, but I get a lot of slack for it.

That question makes me sound like that nagging relative who's going to give you a lecture if they don't approve of your career choice. And to be approved, it must be deemed "safe", "dependable", and something they've heard about before so it can easily fit into their view of the world.

But enough about those people, because that's not my intention with that question. In fact, it's actually the exact opposite. I want to make sure that you're not watering down your dreams.

I ask because I want to make sure that you know your dreams are possible and they are worth going for.

I ask because there are enough voices who will cloud your mind with doubt about your goals and potential. I want to a voice to counter the noise.

I ask because we only have one life and the thought that kills me the most is someone looking back at their life and realizing they barely lived because they were too afraid to try. I want to remind you to give your dreams a fair shot at being a success.

Some people say it's irresponsible to give too much hope to far-out dreams. I believe it's irresponsible to bring someone down when you don't even know what they're capable of.

Whatever desire is on your heart, whatever vision you can't shake off, whatever voice that beckons you to try something new - go for it in whatever way you can because you have an impact to make on this world and people are waiting on you to show up and share it .


The Worst Thing for the Best Reason


To the ones who want to get it right on the first try