Making Your Bold Dream a Reality

Do you have a big goal for 2022 that feels impossible to believe right now?

I’m with you friend, but just because something is hard to believe doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim for it. Your brain just needs time to expand its possibilities.

How do you do that? Here’s my process:

First, I write down the belief I want to believe. Writing it programs it into my brain.

Then, I ask myself why I don’t believe it yet. By doing this, all the negative thoughts rise to the surface.

“I’m scared about taking big action”

“I think I’ll quit when it gets too hard”

“I won’t be able to maintain my schedule”

Next, for each negative belief I have, I reframe it with an empowering one.

“You’re looking too far ahead. We can worry about bigger actions once it’s time to do them”

“If I haven’t quit after this long, I know I’ll continue moving forward”

“I will get everything done because I do what I say I’m going to do”

And finally, I step into my Future Self, the version of me who has already reached my goal, and listen to what she has to tell me today.

Today the message was: “Don’t worry about how you’ll be in the future, focus on who you need to be today. Then, recommit to the goal every day.”

I do this once a day to flush out the negative thoughts and replace them with fresh ones I’m consciously choosing to believe.

I hope this peek behind the scenes gets you one step closer to taking action. Tell me, will you recommit to your dreams today?


You Won't Know How Until You Get There


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