Who Are You?

My mouth has trouble even forming the words in conversation. Like it knows it's lying.

I hate saying it in conversations around strangers, although strangers are easier than saying it in front of friends and family.

I've been actively coaching for over a year now, 5 to 6 days a week and I'm still getting used to saying, “I’m a coach.” Imposter syndrome still loves to creep in and meddle with my mind, but I still get the choice to take its words as truth or a load of crap.

I am a life coach.

Yes, I'm still internally shuddering as I type this, but I'll still stand by it.

For anyone who is too nervous to call themselves a director, creative, writer, artist, author, leader, expert, chef, designer, curator, or anything else in between, remember this…

Your daily actions are a vote to your future self.

If you do the action, you are the doer.

I'm eternally grateful to the 29 people who I've coached this year who've allowed me to be a coach.

If you made 1 video, you're a creator

If you make recipes on the regular, you're a baker or chef

If you intentionally design your living space, you're a designer

The more you do it, the more you are it.

Keep stepping into your title and continue saying it until it feels comfortable resting on your tongue.

So now, tell me who you are in the comments below.


Making Your Bold Dream a Reality


I Messed Up Today